The Magnificent Rant: Part III

At the moment, I’m listening to LCD Soundsystem. At the moment, I’m eating a bowl of delicious cantaloupe. At the moment, well, I’m quite happy. It’s been awhile since words were embedded onto this website, my personal “blog”, my escape from the harsh truths and false objectives of reality, it’s all a bit chaotic really, especially what has developed in my life — but — yes there’s a but, it’s all quite beautiful. Since then, I watched countless films, I read a meaningful and wonderful book, and I went on several adventures. Overall, I’m quite happy — but never satisfied. That might sound a bit grim. You may interpret it as being slightly pessimistic, I understand, but it’s quite the opposite. You can be happy, and delighted, and very avid about your good fortunes, but please, don’t be satisfied, because once you are, there’s nothing to strive for. I am strictly ‘talking’ about your ambitions in life, not an actual living entity, or monad, or human being, in case you’re curious. Don’t be satisfied, or you’ll be stagnant in life, instead be adventurous and soar through your creative and absolutely gorgeous mind. Soar like a magic carpet, or a paper airplane, or even a origami pterodactyl, soar until you’ll find happiness, and once you get to that destination, plan another adventure, plan the next several until your hands get the permanent sea waves of skin, the dash of humble grey in your hair, or when you can turn smiles into laughter. Be adventurous until your last chapter, in life.

Since the year started, I felt the love from many people, and sadly the devastation of mournful hearts, life can be such a pleasant but cruel predicament. It’s all quite intense. I seen a lovely couple multiplied by fifty, an adorable daughter abruptly losing her beautiful mother, and two unlikely dilemmas subtly falling in love. That’s life. There are hardships and blessings, unfortunately, we must endure both in the same scope. Death is imminent, but life is immense.

But you know what? Possibly, this post is mumbo-jumbo or rubbish to you, it’s a walking self-indulgent, awful cliché. A bumper sticker.

I have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. That’s the best possible answer I can give you when you ask, “What is life?”, because we’re contrasting beings with common affairs, nothing more, nothing less.

That’s about it, I guess. I would love to continue this magnificent rant, but I have dreams to discover and terrains to sleep on.

Until next time, safe travels.

Dedicated to Manang Teresa.

Gary Wilson, “Dream(s)

P.S. Hello. I’ll make this brief and very subtle. It’s quite intense but very exquisite, our rendezvous. We’d usually laugh together and many times, we’d laugh at ourselves. We’d laugh at our insecurities and our peculiarities. I’m not sure if this was supposed to happen, but it did, and you know what? I’m ecstatic. As adventures, we’ll face many obstacles, but together, with the help from God, we’ll prevail. Thank you again.

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