150 Films.

I want to diverse myself when it comes to writing. As you may know, I’m not a great writer, I’m not even slightly good, I’m actually quite terrible. To improve I have to find ways to challenge myself. My goal, and it may not be reached, is to watch 150 unique and new films in 2013. Films in theaters, Blu-ray, or Netflix and write micro-impressions about them. It’s no secret that I love films — a cinephile, it’s definitely my escapism. Last year I had about 40 ticket stubs (I collect them) and I watched a whole lot of Netflix. I decided 150 because it’s about 3 to 4 films a week, which is approximately 12 hours, give or take. I’m attending college part-time and working full-time, so to achieve this goal I have to manage my time wisely. On top of that I have a personal spiritual priority to uphold. That being said, I’m going to start this week. Hopefully this works out. So, expect more micro-impressions (reviews) about films! Also check my Twitter account for some interesting film stuff.

Until next time.

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