
I’m off from work this evening and it’s quite odd. Not entirely sure why though. Well, I know why I’m off, but for it being odd, I don’t quite know. Probably because it’s Tuesday. A Tuesday night for that matter. Usually I’m asleep right now. Dreaming. Well trying to dream. Unless I’m totally tired and my body can adjust to the weather, then I might be sleeping properly. It’s tough. I can’t complain though. Anyway, where was I? Yes, it’s odd being off on a Tuesday night.

The past couple of nights I had a series of hiccups that were prolonged until utter annoyance. It was terrible. I didn’t even eat prior to the hiccups. I had them at a particular time for no particular reason. Again, it was terrible. If you haven’t heard my hiccups, imagine a frog, a frog that smokes, and as it croaks it also has this gnarly sound, perhaps like puppies being beaten by a hammer (I actually don’t know what that sounds like, but if I do, my hiccups are close enough) incorporate all those sounds together: the smoking frog and a helpless puppy’s plea, equals my hiccup. Terrible, right? I know! I guess that’s my story. My pointless story. To clarify, I don’t smoke.

To add some sort of importance to the story, I was fascinated about hiccups afterwards. Especially my hiccups. My terrible chain-smoking-frog-puppy-killing hiccups — does this make any sense? I didn’t think so. I researched the reasons on why I had hiccups. I concluded, from those exact moments I had them, there wasn’t any reason. I wasn’t excessively eating, laughing, or drinking any sort of carbonated drinks. I just had them. I had them on separated occasions but during a certain time of the day, which was the evening. The late evening. The nocturnal shift. Was there some sort of literal and metaphorical reason? Literal because I had them, and metaphorical because I might have ‘hiccups’ in life. A sudden change in pace. An obstacle. A hurdle. Hindrances. Anything to stop me from my goals. Or was this a sign to things to come? A positive hiccup? A hiccup through, not only in life, but the rubbish.

I was told by friends the myth surrounding hiccups, especially from a random episode, is that someone is thinking about you. That’s quite ridiculous. It’s fun to think that way, but in reality, probably nobody is. OK, that got a bit somber. I apologize. In conclusion, if you have a chance to listen to my hiccups, they’re quite delightful and please don’t hesitate to give water. Thank you.

Until next time.

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