The Dawn And The Embrace.

Imagine that, two entries in a week? I think my thoughts are a bit jumbled lately, especially the past two weeks. Nothing awful or severe, it’s quite the opposite. See, I’m not intuitive and that’s probably damaging to myself, but I like to think I can get signals’ correct. This is a continuation to my prior entry and the lack of confidence in the notion. The pieces are aligning but it lacks guidance. Either, I’m not sure where to go, or I’m afraid where it’ll go. Why’s this so difficult? Life’s not scripted, it’s not divided by acts, and we’re not actors, there’s no immersive score, or a fade to black end of credits. There’s no climax because every single day is climatic. It’s just us — We’re the film, the unobtainable film. It’s scripted by us, we reminisce only the best acts, and we’re all actors in some degree. The immersive score is our daily noise; the spontaneous dreadful, sometimes elegant noise. When we sleep, we fade to black momentarily and another world will consume us…

OK, I think I’m a bit tired. I probably need some rest. It’s been a long day. It’s all quite ridiculous, this entire website.

Until next time, safe travels.

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