
I have a social deficiency.

That’s not new though. If you’d hung out with me, it’s easily noticeable. Usually, I would sit quietly listening to other people talking as I play with my phone, or just sipping onto my drink. I’ve experienced this a couple of weeks ago when a good friend of mine invited me to her party. Everyone was wonderful, with wonderful stories, and delicious food, but I felt like an outcast, because due to my lack of contribution. Granted, her friends all knew each other for awhile, and I was new to her group, although I’ve known her for almost a decade. It’s quite odd. I tried to find something in common and latched onto a conversation but everybody was very keen and lively, it was definitely tough to follow. Perhaps it’s my fault? It’s been proven that I tend to display an impassive look when people are directly talking at me. Include my insecurity lumped into my social ineptness, and my odd sense of humor, you’ll probably get someone who’s a bit off. I’m trying to be myself though.

I’m not quite sure why I wrote the post, and it’s possibly my way to extricate whatever I am feeling at the moment. It’s not bothersome, in fact, I’m quite assured that everything’s OK. Perhaps I wrote this to fill a void? Of course, I’m talking about this site, the void of the site. Although, I’m not sure now.

Anyway, this week is full of great entertainment that I will happily be indulged in. A couple of films that I’ve been anticipating this year and a couple of good interactions with family and friends. At the moment, I’m preparing an itinerary for next weekend, because my nephew and his girlfriend are visiting from Wisconsin. I’ll make a couple of post about that too, and possibly pictures? Eh, possibly.

Until next time.

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