My (Not So) Micro-Impression: Evil Dead (2013)

Prior to the the modern remake of the Evil Dead, I attempted to revisit The Evil Dead and Evil Dead II to prepare myself. Time didn’t permit me, so I watched the remake without having the original fresh in my mind. Anyway, the film was directed by Fede Alvarez, a man whose only work were a couple of short foreign films, which I didn’t watch. This film would be his first feature and his US directorial debut. With the blessings from the key people of the original, Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, who also serve as co-producers, Alvarez manage to do his best to capture the essence of the originals while maintaining his own personal tone and aesthetic. Although the story is paying homage to the events of the original films, the remake executes it differently by grounding the characters in a more suitable and realistic world. I’m using the word ‘realistic’ loosely. By concentrating on the eerie and dark spiritual aspects of the story, the film tends to be like any other horror film in the past decade. When gore is emphasized greatly and the attempt to frighten people with visceral blood splatter scenes is used throughout. Story wise, the film derives from both The Evil Dead and Evil Dead II, It’s sort of a combination of the two. Replacing key characters’ intentions with a modern dilemma and relying on their actions afterwards. I thought it was plausible and well crafted.

After watching the film and revisiting the original films, my appreciation has grown immensely for both the original and remake. I still don’t think the originals were remotely scary but fun and entertaining, and my thoughts on the remake is equivalent to that: Fun and entertaining. Although it deviated from the humor, the remake concentrated on its elaborate set-ups and practical effects. And unlike the original, the first half of this film is completely exposition. I understand why they needed to explain the Book of The Dead, but I didn’t think it was necessary, especially if it’s sort of self-explanatory. I mean, it’s called the Book of The Dead? I guess this generation needed the explanation?

I totally missed the humor and hammy performances that the originals had, but I loved how unique the remake tried to be. I love how timeless the film felt, with no iPhones or modern technology present, and how contrary the characters’ depictions were. Many may describe them as dumb but they were intelligent people doing remarkable things to stay alive. It went against it’s stereotypical horror tropes and tried to reinvent them. How can you create a modern horror film post-The Cabin in The Woods? I mean, unless you’re a huge horror fan, majority of people didn’t like The Cabin in The Woods, but it’s sort of a cult classic now.

As for the performances and technical side of the film, I thought they were amazing across the board. Well, at least they were beyond competent. Jane Levy did an excellent job with her duel performances being both the protagonist and antagonist, Mia. It was all about her eyes guys. After revisiting the originals, my thoughts on her performances grew. It’s a tough role to do, especially if the original spawned one of the greatest horror heroes ever. I thought David, played by Shiloh Fernandez, was decent. As for the rest, they all did well. I loved that Alvarez relied on practical effects to get his scenes across as being exceptionally over the top and many times, brutal. It’s quite demented but never surprising, especially if you’ve been desensitized from the past decade with recent horror films. Despite that, it was fantastic to watch. Also the score evoked the same eerie and sometimes extraordinary tones as the original.

Overall, I love the remake while commending them on trying, because it’s a tough film to digest. The loyal fanbase of the originals will ignore or oppose it. Personally, I compared it to the remakes of Dawn of the Dead and The Hills Have Eyes, which were great remakes that were completely unique and respectful to the originals. There were subtle touches that were an ode to The Evil Dead and Evil Dead II, that I hope fans of the original will appreciate and love, but I’m afraid many fans will sadly compare and dismiss. I can go on and on about the film but rather have a healthy discussion and critique with fans alike. Like my twin brother, whom I watched it with, I had a huge smile walking out the theater.


It’s odd. Today, I should reflect. I should immerse myself with my faults and missed opportunities. I love self-deprecating, it’s sort of my forte. I use it comically and in a serious manner. It’s sort of therapeutic, especially if you can laugh at yourself. I do it a lot. I actually find enjoyment when other people laugh at me, with me. Whether it’s my insecurities or something silly about myself, I love to hear people laugh. I am revealing myself right now, take it with a grain of salt, but that’s how I want it to be — salt, it’s like sand, but white and sort of clear. Anyway, like I said earlier, today I should reflect. Yesterday evening I saw a glimpse of something catastrophic. It’s not equivalent to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, in fact, it’s far less but still personal, probably 0.00001% of what had happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki without the radiation and deaths.

I won’t quite say what it is, but it reinforces a speculation I had. It emotionally crushed my hopes and probably I have to revaluate some notions I had. It won’t disrupt my belief but it will disrupt my intensions. I wanted to run after I saw what I’ve seen. So I do, I mean, I did. It was impromptu but I ran. I ran to the music of LCD Soundsystem, their latest album, “This Is Happening” It helped. I was revived but for a short time. Ironically ‘This Is Happening’ is something I say to myself often nowadays. It’s a reassurance that I’m still alive and I must live with my decisions instead of dwelling into my sorrows.

People will read this and probably have a certain understanding of me. I’m OK. I’m not depressed. I’m just, you know, reflecting. I mentioned if I’m not doing something productive or consuming a film, book, or music, I tend to think, think a lot. I drown myself with my insecurities. It’s healthy, you know? Not drowning but actually being aware of your insecurities. That’s how you readjust yourself and fix your problems. It’s not my philosophy but it’s something I like to think is right.

Another thing I often do, especially if I’m in need of strength emotionally, mentally, and physically, is prayer. I don’t like to judge other people’s beliefs and whether or not they believe in God and/or religion, it’s not my job. I often see other people attack each other maliciously with words, or in some parts of the world, physically attack them. It’s disgusting. As for prayer, it helps. You’re sort of in a trance, a meditation, trying to find balance within, asking for straight and courage. I do it before almost every daily activity. It does help.

Wow. Remember, I’m not ranting but reflecting. Lastly, you may say I live life vicariously, because I immerse myself through entrainment mediums, I usually don’t experience life through, life? It’s unfortunate. I can blame my lack of interest, or the lack of funds, or just my lack of being a well groomed human being, but I would love to change that about myself, not sure how though. 10 years ago I imagine myself with a career, a wife, a couple of kids, and a house. All being beautiful and perfect. Surely, that was me being naive at the time, and where ignorance was truly bliss, but it was my dream at the time. Then, reality started. Hearts were broken. Attitudes changed.

I would love to end this with something positive. I’m not cynical, I swear. Instead I’ll end it abruptly. Thank you.

Until next time.


So, this is horrible. Not really an update, just posting for the sake of posting. I know, this isn’t interesting. I’m actually quite impressed if you’re reading this and are honestly interested in my misadventures and my latest enmity lifestyle. OK, I’m being hyperbole and facetious about the latter, I’m actually a nice guy. Probably?

I did watched Stoker though. It’s fantastic. It’s twisted. The film plays on subtlety and beauty of a psychopath. That’s basically the gist of it — not really. I’ll make a thorough impression later this weekend and in time for an April post! Exciting isn’t it!? Now I need to watch Spring Breakers and I’m actually looking forward to G.I. Joe: Retaliation, although the first film was mediocre, I like the people involved in the sequel. I was wrong Sacramento, you guys do get the indie art house films, either on time, or just a couple of weeks behind. I apologize.

Get this, I have the new Tomb Raider and DmC: Devil May Cry sitting on my table for almost 2 months, and I haven’t touched both. What’s wrong’s that Bioshock Infinite came out this week and I rather play that instead. I know right? I’m horrible.

This is it again. This was a brisk post. I felt I was obligated to do something on this site because I am paying for it. Plus, to the handful of people reading, I hope you’ll find some sort of enjoyment.

I’m OK, really.

Until next time blokes.

P.S. Here’s a song from CHVRCHES titled “Recover (Curxes’ 1996 Remix)” It’s wonderful.



As I type this entry, I’m listening to Thom Yorke’s latest project and musical endeavor, Atoms for Peace. Essentially it’s a supergroup that consists of well known and super talented musicians from well known and super talented bands. It’s pretty rad. The album’s titled Akom and I strongly recommend the listen if you’re a fan of Thom Yorke. Expect a shoegazing heavy synth sound and, of course, Thom Yorke’s softly manic but ambient voice. Like I said, it’s pretty rad.

Anyway, I haven’t done anything worthwhile. I finished John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars two Saturdays ago, and although it’s a young adult novel with young adult themes, I found the story pretty well handled and enjoyed the relationships with the two lead protagonists. I’ll admit, I did get a bit teary-eyed, especially if the story involves cancer patients. My only gripes were probably towards the end of the book, where certain characters had hasty resolutions. It didn’t affect the story too much but I did find it odd. This is the second young adult book I finished within two years, the first being The Perks of Being A Wallflower. I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend both. I do have DC Pierson’s Crap Kingdom, which is also a young adult novel, but I think I’ll read it later. I like his particular comedy with Derrick Comedy, so I’m looking forward to the book. Lastly, the book I’m reading at the moment is Chuck Palahniuk’s Survivor, which is the follow up to Fight Club. It’s demented, and fascinating, I’ll leave it at that.

I was going to write this lengthy entry about certain topics but I’ll save that for later, maybe within this week?! Maybe?!

Until next time.


I promise this isn’t procrastination. It’s legmitally my insufficient accessibility to the internet. My laptop of 5 years crashed and it narrowed the abilities to access my site. For about 2-3 weeks I couldn’t touch a keyboard, unless it was work related — and even so I couldn’t update this. So here I am, it’s already the beginning of March, spring is around the corner, daylight savings time is in 10 days — which we spring forward not back, and almost ¼ of 2013 is over. Quite frankly, this year is moving expediently.

Nothing is new though. I know, I also promised 150 films this year, and I watched several films prior to this post, but the time to write complete sentences and editing this site, while attending school and committing to my work schedule, is tough. Inevitably it took a toll on me. Might I add, I have stacks of comic books, books, albums, and video games ready to be immerse in but very little time to do so. It’s a bit overwhelming. This month, I’ll try my best to write something meaningful about films. Hopefully I get to watch Park Chan-wook’s Stoker, Harmony Korine’s Spring Breakers, and Derek Cianfrance’s The Place Beyond the Pines but knowing Sacramento, it’ll be weeks or months until it arrives.

If you also noticed when you go onto, The Freakin’ Awesome Podcast! is nowhere to be found. It seems nonexistent, well there’s 1 episode. Quickly, some update on the podcast before I leave you to your life again: Due to my hectic schedule, dedicating time and resources isn’t a priority at this point in my life but I love recording episodes. I’ll try my best to record an episode but doing so will take creativity, by retooling the format and making it segmented, it’ll most definitely help my goal. In the next couple of weeks I’ll ask friends and acquaintances to help me record an episode or two. We’ll see.

OK. Until next time.

150 Films.

I want to diverse myself when it comes to writing. As you may know, I’m not a great writer, I’m not even slightly good, I’m actually quite terrible. To improve I have to find ways to challenge myself. My goal, and it may not be reached, is to watch 150 unique and new films in 2013. Films in theaters, Blu-ray, or Netflix and write micro-impressions about them. It’s no secret that I love films — a cinephile, it’s definitely my escapism. Last year I had about 40 ticket stubs (I collect them) and I watched a whole lot of Netflix. I decided 150 because it’s about 3 to 4 films a week, which is approximately 12 hours, give or take. I’m attending college part-time and working full-time, so to achieve this goal I have to manage my time wisely. On top of that I have a personal spiritual priority to uphold. That being said, I’m going to start this week. Hopefully this works out. So, expect more micro-impressions (reviews) about films! Also check my Twitter account for some interesting film stuff.

Until next time.

Between The Lines.

So, I created a site. Not entirely sure why I did though.

For the past couple of months I’ve been contemplating several ideas on what this might be. I couldn’t decide, so I’m going to concisely but thoroughly write about the array of things I’m into and perhaps the personal hindrances I face daily. Yes, I’m back from my reclusiveness.

The site will comprise of my reviews in film, television, music, video games, and the occasional book or comic. I’ll also showcase my lackluster art, some topical rants, and a bit of anecdotes. Basically, any personal blog that’s out there now. Hey, I might even write about fitness, sports, food, cars, and women – or not. This isn’t the first time I’ve ventured into creating a blog. If you know me well, I had a couple of blogs prior, all ended with procrastination.

The past year I’ve reexamined my priorities and got myself active and afloat by staying healthy and being gregarious, which I am fairly gratified. I got the pleasure to know people personally and interact with them outside the usual confines. I’m certainly blessed with wonderful people and I don’t take them for granted one bit. The next year or so I’ll document as much as possible; the people, the events, the life.

I hope you’ll enjoy everything that I’m about to embark.

Until next time, thank you.

Quickly, a thank you to my twin brother, John, for helping me conceptualize the site and put into fruition. Thank you.