The Magnificent Rant: Part I

Let’s do this again, shall we? OK, let’s make a deal. If I post weekly, and possibly more than once a week, you, as a reader, should participate in my post, which means try to contribute with your insight of my bleak dormant life. OK, who are we kidding? That’s impossible. Let’s move on.

I think one of the many reasons for my procrastination is that I’m too comfortable with where I am. That “risk taking” I’ve referred and explained a couple of post ago, well that’s unfortunately accurate. Another reason is intimidation and the lack of confidence. I used to like doodling into my sketchbook with ideas and concepts, now it’s an astray into the abyss of a desolate numbness — that’s a bit loquacious. The word loquacious is a bit tedious. Anyway, I get intimidated by how many brilliant and unique artists are out there. Due to the internet, you get an array of incredible talent, from painters to graphic designers, all worthy of your time. Of course I’m jealous, but I don’t disliked them, matter of fact, I love them. That’s why I’m intimidated. I feel I can’t contribute to the “art world” anymore, that I’ve missed my boat. It sailed to Creativity Isle and I was unfortunately stuck on Uncertainty Land. It’s been a number of years now, I can blame everything, and regret everything, but one thing’s certain, it was my fault. I was too unsure and timid to do anything worthwhile, instead, I got too comfortable. I worked, I slept, I worked, I slept, and continued to do so, without a spark. I got stuck. Oddly, I am aware of this, for several years now. That’s how much I liked torturing myself. Will I change? Although uncertain, God knows I’m trying my best to change. That’s all I can do, try my best.

Until next time.

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